The Real Neat Blog Award

Of all the things that could happen, I did not expect this blog to be nominated for an award the day after we transferred to WordPress, but here we are. Now I can nominate nobody because I don’t follow much of anyone. However, let’s see what we can do. And so it begins.

Our nominator–nomineer, nomerator–is that one tall guy walking down the street in conspicuously inconspicuous clothes that were tailored just for him: Mr. Karl Bickerstaff himself, straight from the Wizards’ Warehouse.

I’ve mentioned Mr. Bickerstaff on numerous occasions before, as well his fantastic blog. He reviews books books from a Christian worldview, discussing such topics as fantasy stories, theology, worldview, and more to come. Unless he dies. Either way, just check out his website and FOLLOW IT. Otherwise there will be consequences (like you missing out on the coolest book reviews).

Okay, so here are the nomination rules and such:

  1. Display the blog award logo in your blog.
  2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  3. Do not forget to link to their blogging website.
  4. Answer all the questions they have given you.
  5. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice.
  6. Ask them 7 questions.

Now’s the fun part: Step four. For this Tobias Hrothgar will answer the questions first, then I will answer them for myself, as I’m technically the blogger here. Tobias just does things worth blogging about.

Tobias Hrothgar

  1. What is your favorite board game? I’m very fond of the Pirgorgin shuffle, but I’m a master at chess. I think I’ll choose checkards (a chess-checkers-cards mashup game, invented by Mister Roger Dixon V).
  2. Given the time, what non-fiction book would you write? What is that supposed to mean? Practically every single book I write is a record of actual events. The Pickle Monster of the 17th dimension is quite real. I suppose if there’s one other nonfiction book I’d like to write, it would be about the fall of the quiet forest, Isychia. It’s quite a fascinating subject really.
  3. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? I’m an INTP (-A). At least that’s the closest thing in the Myers-Briggs test to what I think I am. I personally believe I don’t fit in any of the sixteen types. Perhaps I’m more of a YQRB.
  4. What food could you eat every other weekend for the rest of your life? I would probably say salad as that’s the most logical choice. A salad could be practically anything anything you want mixed together. The next best decision would be Tacos.
  5. If A=2B, and B is not less than 7, then why did the chicken cross the road? Why do any of us cross the road? Could we not go around? There are many such questions in the world which we may never come to understand…
  6. Tolkien or Rowling (choose carefully)? How stupid do you think I am? Tolkien, no competition. The man was more connected to that world than anyone has ever been connected to another world before. He could see every event in the history, and record it with unmatchable eloquence
  7. On a scale of 1 to 17, how likely is it that this question is using binary? I would say a 4, especially considering the number 17 is not binary. Of course, Karl was quite likely to have made his own binary system that uses ones and sevens.

Jacob Unger

  1. What is your favorite board game? Either chess or Monopoly, I’m really not sure.
  2. Given the time, what non-fiction book would you write? If I wrote a nonfiction book I think it would be a theology book.
  3. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? ENTJ-T. It took me a long time to figure it out as I’m extremely shy. I couldn’t decide if I was introverted or extroverted for a while.
  4. What food could you eat every other weekend for the rest of your life? Spaghetti! It brings me great joy. I would choose no other food besides this.
  5. If A=2B, and B is not less than 7, then why did the chicken cross the road? Because you ask really pointless and nonsensical questions.
  6. Tolkien or Rowling (choose carefully)? Tolkien without a doubt. Rowling was very exceptional for this day and age but Tolkien far surpasses any other writer.
  7. On a scale of 1 to 17, how likely is it that this question is using binary? Not very likely.

So that’s all I’ve got. There’s no one for me to nominate, so I’ll just have to skip steps five and six. No worries though; In I couple months we’ll have 300 followers. Or crushed dreams and hope. Let’s stay positive.

Ever onward,

Jacob Unger.

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